Thursday, March 1, 2012

Christianity and capitalism

Christianity is a very Religion which has changed very often. I believe there are several reasons for this. One reason for this is that there is a huge population of Christians, which supports change and personalization of the religion. There are also several points of Christianity which can be debated, such as Jesus's divinity, which can be the center of debate. Another characteristic which supported change was the extreme nature of the catholic Church during the split within Christianity. The catholic church was very greedy during this period, and was even selling what is essentially entrances into heaven. This was very polarizing, and pushed people away from the catholic church, and to the newly formed Protestant church.

I have always thought that, in a perfect world, capitalism is a type of market in which the government plays little to no role in the regulation or production of goods, that businesses could be private and that what they produced and how they produced it could be up to them, but the consumer would decide whether or not the product being produced was worth their capital. In essence, capitalism is a market in which the driving force behind actions of businesses is the consumer and his dollar, not he government

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