Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wikipedia vs. Traditions & Encounters

I prefer Wikipedia when it comes to reading about the religions discussed in class. The reason may be that my generation is used to being able to jump to any category desired instantly, and lets not forget, the sacred control-F command. An index in the front of the book is nice and decently helpful, but an index that allows you to jump to any given category instantly is much more helpful. However,the one thing I believe that the textbook has over Wikipedia is that the textbook's sources are more accredited. Whenever reading Wikipedia, one must do so with a grain of salt and a discriminating disposition, as anything added may be from a college level professor or a disgruntled teenager. In terms of a Wikipedia-driven class, most teachers won't even accept Wikipedia as a source today, so a class completely based around Wikipedia is most likely a ways off. One can dream though, eh?

1 comment:

  1. It may be closer than you think! Welcome to the 21st century, dinosaur teachers...
